This year marked the tenth season of the popular television show, American Idol. In the show's first years I was an avid viewer, but honestly have not watched the show in seven years. However this season, my Tuesday and Wednesday nights turned my eyes back to the reality show. Why? Because of a contestant named Scotty McCreery. Scotty is a "local boy" from Garner, NC. Not only did I tune in for our "hometown hero," but also because this 16 year old is extremely talented. He has a deep voice like Josh Turner, southern charm like George Strait and captivates his audience like Elvis. His fans range in age from 5 years old to 95.
When the American Idol Tour rolled through Raleigh on July 27th, I wanted to go and see this boy in real-life! Not only do I love concerts but I also wanted to see him for his talent and that the American Idol winner would be performing for his hometown. My mother is a real estate agent with Fonville Morisey Realty and she works for the same company as Scotty's mom. As a company event we could purchase tickets and sit together. I assumed we would have a section of tickets on the first level. Boy was I wrong! I arrived at will-call the night of the show to pick up my tickets and my eyes were immediately drawn to section "FLOOR." Then it said, "ROW 12." Are you kidding? As we made our way to our seats, we kept getting closer and closer to the stage. We were 12 rows from the American Idols. The American Idol contestants were inches from us! It was an amazing experience. One I will never forget! The best part was being able to loock around and see how electric the RBC Center was. Getting to see what it looked like from the performers' view. Reading "I Love You Scotty" signs to "Scotty, I'll Meet You at Bojangles" signs. Scotty topped the performance when he came out for his encore in a Carolina Hurricanes jersey. As famous as he has become, Scotty still hasn't forgotten where he's come from and that he loves North Carolina "THIS BIG."
When the American Idol Tour rolled through Raleigh on July 27th, I wanted to go and see this boy in real-life! Not only do I love concerts but I also wanted to see him for his talent and that the American Idol winner would be performing for his hometown. My mother is a real estate agent with Fonville Morisey Realty and she works for the same company as Scotty's mom. As a company event we could purchase tickets and sit together. I assumed we would have a section of tickets on the first level. Boy was I wrong! I arrived at will-call the night of the show to pick up my tickets and my eyes were immediately drawn to section "FLOOR." Then it said, "ROW 12." Are you kidding? As we made our way to our seats, we kept getting closer and closer to the stage. We were 12 rows from the American Idols. The American Idol contestants were inches from us! It was an amazing experience. One I will never forget! The best part was being able to loock around and see how electric the RBC Center was. Getting to see what it looked like from the performers' view. Reading "I Love You Scotty" signs to "Scotty, I'll Meet You at Bojangles" signs. Scotty topped the performance when he came out for his encore in a Carolina Hurricanes jersey. As famous as he has become, Scotty still hasn't forgotten where he's come from and that he loves North Carolina "THIS BIG."
The view of the RBC Center from the 12th row.